Party Platforms

What do the parties believe?

  • Vision

    The Vision Party believes in focusing on long-term goals and accomplishing them through creative and reliable means. The vision party also believes strongly in U.S. based efforts and boosting the economy through self-stimulating efforts. In addition, the Vision Party is constantly thinking of Big Picture objectives and is developing strategies to best aid these objectives.

  • Compassion

    The Compassion Party is greatly concerned with humanitarian needs and global prosperity. Their aim is to maintain efficient options (whether economical/energy/job creation) for mobilizing the individual and the family unit. Compassion Party also believes US success is dependent on the stability of international community at large.

  • Perseverance

    The Perseverance Party stands on conservative traditions and is focused on maintaining a stable, yet productive society. Through taking domestic initiative, the Perseverance Party believes in limited national government and having faithful presence in international affairs.

The 2024 Elections Topic:

The Role of the Federal Government

For this year’s campaign issue, the role of government takes center stage, prompted by the biblical injunction to be subject to governing authorities. Exploring the nature and scope of government, questions arise regarding its origins, functions, and ideals. From ancient monarchies to modern constitutional republics, the quest for just and effective governance persists. Rooted in religious and secular considerations, the balance between liberty and order shapes governmental structures, with the American constitutional republic as a notable endeavor. Despite aspirations for justice, stewardship, and liberty, the extent of governmental success remains open to scrutiny. Given the biblical role of government and the American constitutional landscape, how should the federal government seek to remedy three leading issues Americans face today: foreign aid, immigration, and climate change? 

Where do the parties stand?


The Perseverance Party believes America is more than just a set of abstract philosophical ideas; it is a nation of people. These people embody a collective identity forged through common history, language, customs, and traditions. These principles provide the foundation for social cohesion, stability, and a sense of belonging among its citizens. As such the role of government in addressing any issue is to prioritize the well being of her citizens and their posterity. Hallmarks of traditionalism are opposing foreign aid, extremely limited immigration, and using government power to protect and preserve the natural resources of one’s country. The Perseverance Party believes a nation is a complex tapestry woven from the threads of history, culture, and tradition, and that preserving and nurturing these elements is essential for maintaining the integrity and well-being of the nation and its people. 


The Vision Party champions individual liberty as paramount to a flourishing society, embodying a philosophy of non-interventionism where individuals are empowered to pursue their aspirations free from excessive government interference. The role of government is to maximize individual liberty and to protect against coercion both foreign and domestic. Upholding the autonomy and inherent rights of every individual across economic, personal, and civil spheres, the Vision Party envisions a society where diversity thrives and communities prosper through voluntary association and mutual respect. Non-interventionism prioritizes large amounts of legal immigration to boost the economy, spending tax dollars on Americans over foreign nations, and believes the best way to protect the environment and combat climate change is through private industry and the free market. By safeguarding individual freedoms as fundamental principles, the Vision Party seeks to cultivate a future where liberty is not just an ideal, but a lived reality for all.


The Compassion Party stands as advocates of equality, fairness, and compassion, championing a government deeply committed to prioritizing the well-being of individual citizens while aspiring to be a beacon of hope internationally. Rooted in the principle of aiding those in need and fostering a society built on equality, the Compassion Party believes in extending support to all within the country's borders while also striving to set a positive example globally. Embracing policies that promote equal opportunities, fairness, and inclusive prosperity, the Compassion Party envisions a nation where every citizen is empowered to thrive. Empowering citizens to live up to our enlightened view of liberty looks like being a city on the hill for the masses of the world to come and seek a better life in, wielding American influence through foreign aid to support democratic ideals globally, and using authoritarian power to curb the negative impact of business on the environment and, by proxy, the citizens that reside in it. By fostering a culture of empathy, solidarity, and international cooperation, the Compassion Party seeks to inspire positive change both domestically and abroad, aspiring to be a guiding light towards a more compassionate and fair world.

Guidelines For Candidates

Why this Campaign Issue?

This campaign issue highlights the unique opportunity for Christians in America to actively engage in the political process, a privilege that few Christ-followers throughout history have experienced. Given this opportunity, it becomes crucial for individual Christians to assess how the government can best fulfill its biblical mandate. As candidates present diverse viewpoints on the most effective governmental philosophies, voters are empowered to understand and engage with current issues from a foundational standpoint. This engagement fosters informed participation and encourages Christians to play an active role in shaping policies that align with their values and beliefs, thus contributing positively to society and governance.

How to approach this Campaign Issue

As candidates and voters prepare to engage in conversations about this topic, we encourage everyone to maintain a spirit of grace, humility, and truth. Ideas have consequences. The ideas of today will be the policies of tomorrow. In preparing for the election we encourage candidates to research the biblical role of government. What does scripture say about the role of government and what forms of government in scripture were most conducive to human flourishing? We also encourage candidates to look at multiple perspectives throughout history from some of the world's leading thinkers on what type of governing philosophy they thought best. 

How to research this Campaign Issue

When researching the role of government in addressing these three issues and forming viewpoints and opinions, it's important for candidates to reference and utilize reliable sources. As you research, do your best to stick to these general guidelines:

  • First-degree sources are the most reliable and the original source of information or data. These include government databases (FRED, US Dept. of Educ.) and peer-reviewed academic journals. 

  • Second-degree sources are also reliable and based on first-degree or easily-verifiable information. These include historically credible newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, WORLD News Group), or other similarly vetted media. 

  • Third-degree sources make up most other forms of media. While they can be useful, they require more explicit verification. When in doubt, consider the credibility of the sources these media cite. Generally, if media has cryptic, unreliable, or missing sources, it is best to avoid using them.

Thank you for participating in this aspect of TeenPact Elections! We’re excited to hear your insights, and are convinced each of you will display your leadership and spiritual maturity in this exciting process!  

Your Vote.Your Voice.